Tuesday 3 February 2015


A quick post while I'm waiting for our  delicious dinner to digest. 

FYI: I'm not a paid brand ambassador of Lee Kum Kee. Jusko, I'm not that popular noh!  But, I am friends with their Malaysian brand manager :) 

On a serious note, I geniunely believe that Lee Kum Kee is a must have for Chinay Wives.

Moving on to the recipe! 

This dish is really easy to make. You need only 20-30 mins.

Prepare the following:
200g minced pork
1-2 eggplant
6 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 red bell pepper (diced)
1 pack of Lee Kum Kee Spicy Egg Plant Mix

1. Heat pan for 3 mins
2. Heat oil for 2 mins
3. Sauté garlic
4. Sauté minced pork, add a bit of water
5. Add in bell pepper
6. Pour LKK pack
7. Add in the eggplant 

8. Wait for the eggplant to be tender.

Easy Peasy! 



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