Thursday 13 March 2014

Day 27: Hi and Bye Singapore

My flight was delayed by a whopping 4 hrs. 

The pilot announced that there was a leak in the fuel tank. I wanted them to just cancel the flight! After the Malaysia Airlines incident, I really didn't feel like rushing.

But ofcourse, Singapore Airlines has an amazing crew and they did fix it. The whole time we were waiting, I watched Frozen and I tell you it's so hard to laugh when you are nervous at the same time.

Finally I arrived in Singapore where I stayed with my GBF. This was also the same place I stayed it when I was sad, ages ago. 

The first thing I do to reminisce the good days was to clean the house and do a bit of ironing. That was my life in Singapore, work, go to the gym, eat and do chores. And I do enjoy it as mentally sick as it may sound. 

I met up with friends

Ate my favorite foods

Shopped for my coffee, noodles and shoes..

I think I'm ready to go home in a few. 

The best feeling is knowing that my vacation is not exactly over and I have plenty of time to deal with jet lag. No rush.

Still on Pause,


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