Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Forced Maternity Leave

Effective March 14, 2016, I have been mandated to go on a forced maternity leave due to my "mood swings".

I have been losing it over the simplest of mistakes.

When, I asked work-related questions and my husband didn't know the answer right away, I went on a  lecture about accountability.  When I saw my husband processing orders himself, I went to a monologue about delegation. Occasionally, I would even get a piece of paper to explain business growth and leadership.

I actually don't know why I have been so riled up about work recently! To begin with, I am a housewife who just happens to go to the office occasionally.

My friends are all telling me it's the surge of hormones during the third trimester.

I am feeling really hot and irritated. I am actually not wearing any pants now. I'm blogging without pants!

It also doesn't help that I have been eating a lot of protein to increase fetal weight. Protein is "dyet" or heaty food. So my body feels hot from the inside. And thanks to summer, my body is also hot on the outside!

Every little trigger now sets me off. My rational brain decided to go AWOL.

So yesterday, my husband told me I am temporarily fired. He said, he couldn't take my ups and downs. And his biggest issue is, he doesn't want to see me in the office without my pants on.
